We design and manufacture constructed and pre-fabricate effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) EPT is used by most of the companies in various industries to clean water & remove any toxic & non-toxic materials or chemicals from it so that water can be released in the environment which will do less harm to the environment Capacity: 25 KLD το 1000 KLD Application in all types of industries like pharmaceuticals, automobile, foundries dairy processing etc.
We design and manufacture constructed & pre-fabricated Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) STP is a process of purification of sewage water & Reusing for gardening, agriculture & other general purpose Capacity: 5 KLD to 50 MLD Application: All types of industries, Apartments, Hotels, Housing societies, Government.
It is a Unique Product for descaling of various Equipment's like cooling tower, furnace coils, boilers, blow molding machines and chillers. Calgon -101 is an especially designed formula for removal of scales produced by hard water. It removes of scale in inaccessible passages, bends and corners. Applicable for metals like mild steel, copper, FRP, Plastic & rubber
It is a Unique Product for descaling of various Equipment's like cooling tower, furnace coils, boilers, blow molding machines and chillers. Calgon -101 is an especially designed formula for removal of scales produced by hard water. It removes of scale in inaccessible passages, bends and corners. Applicable for metals like mild steel, copper, FRP, Plastic & rubber
Systems where oil is used as heating or cooling media and sometimes used as quenching media the problem of oil depositions creates many problems. OSD-101 is a best solution for such problems. It removes the oil scales from the metals.
Fat testing machines require cleaning of the sensor of the machine daily & weekly due to milk stone formation Alkaline and Acidic cleaners are used for daily and weekly cleaning of Milk analyzer. By using these chemicals, life of sensor & other parts of milk analyzers can be increased which enhances overall performance of the system. We provide quality and cast effective solution for cleaning of milk anal yours. Available in 200ml bottles as well as in 50Lts CAN also.
Water Hardness is specifically identified as the amount of calcium and magnesium salts in water, generally in the form of bicarbonates, chlorides, and sulphates, Hard water causes formation of soap scum, cloud-like stains, clogged pipes, dry skin and hair, faded and brittle laundry, and corrosion and deteriorated appliances. It wreaks havoc in metal pipes through scaling and mineral deposition that can result in pipes bursting and subsequently damaged infrastructure in industrial equipments. A water softener reduces water hardness by removing of heavy minerals like calcium and magnesium from the water supply. Capacity :25 to 1000 ltrs.
Sometimes river water has many impurities like mud, small warms, and bacteria. This direct consumption of water for drinking and daily use is harmful for our body. It may cause various diseases which affect our daily life. We have introduced the 'SEDIPURE +' filter for purification of this kind of water. It is a two-stage filter which provides up to 0.05-micron filtration. Its maintenance is so simple. It removes mud, warms and some bacteria like e-coli. Service and guidance are provided by us.
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